Initially Internet was used to collect information. But now Internet has also started being used to earn money online. And many people are earning even a little money from the Internet. It is very easy to earn money from Blogging, Website, android application developing, YouTube channel. In all the countries of the world, YouTube is used for online movies, shows, TV and educational purposes. YouTube earning increase

YouTube is not just a website for watching videos, but we can earn money through it. Earlier it was not easy to earn money from YouTube, but now YouTube has given everyone an opportunity to earn money by showing ads on videos. Today many video makers are earning online from YouTube.

Steps to Increase YouTube Earnings

Step 1: If you are also thinking about earning money online from YouTube then there must be a question in your mind. Can I really earn money from YouTube or not? To earn money from YouTube you will have to take care of a few things.

There should be minimum 1000 subscribers on YouTube. All your uploaded videos should have 10000 views.
The theme and meta description of the uploaded video must be correct. Earning money is not easy, for this you have to work hard. The most important thing is that you will have to have some patience. And it is also necessary to have some high minded skills. YouTube earning increase

Step 2: Google Adsense is most important to make money from YouTube, because without Adsense account your YouTube channel is of no use. Therefore it is very important to have an AdSense account.

Step 3: Now what kind of ads are shown in your videos? Or then how should ads be shown on the video? Keep one thing in mind that till no one clicks on your ads or views your ads for 30 seconds, you will not get any earning. If your videos have got more than lakhs of views but no one has even clicked on the ads then you are not getting any earning. But you should not show too many ads on YouTube videos for earning because it irritates the viewers and hence they do not get return views.

Step 4:
We share our thoughts on YouTube. We share whatever we know and see. That’s why lakhs of videos are uploaded daily on YouTube. But to popularize YouTube videos we need audience. Therefore we should increase our audience by using social media networks. You can increase your audience through Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus.

YouTube Ad Format

  • Invideo: These ads are sometimes seen in between videos.
  • Instream: These ads are 30 seconds long.
  • Banner Ads: The ads shown on the right side of the video are called banner ads.
  • True View: These ads can be skipped after 3 seconds.

How to create Adsense account from YouTube?

  • Login to your YouTube account. Then go to settings option.
  • Your Advertising option will appear on the Settings tab. By clicking on Allow Advertisements option you will see my videos.
  • Now you will see the option of Additional Features. By clicking on it you will see some features. Enable monetization.
  • Now a new page will open, which is called account monetization page.
  • Click on Monetization, then Adsense page will open.
  • Fill up all the information and then submit.

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Last Words

Any person who does not want to work under any boss or wants to do home based work. YouTube is the best way for them to earn. If you have a blog or a video related website then you can still earn.

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