How to claim bike insurance. It is often seen that whenever a bike meets with an accident, people are not able to claim their bike because people do not know its process, but let us tell you that the government insists on getting the vehicle insured so that if any If an accident happens unfortunately, the owner of the vehicle does not have to face financial problems.

We hope you will like this article on how to make a bike insurance claim. If you like it then please share it with your friends.

What is a bike insurance claim

Whenever you get your bike insured, you must have these 3 names first party, second party and third party. Do you know what these three mean? Let us first see what first, second and third party mean. After this, we will give detailed information about the insurance claim .

How to claim bike insurance

If you want to declare bike insurance, then first know how many types of insurance you can claim. Yes, there are mainly two types of insurance here, here we will tell you about third party insurance and comprehensive package policy.

Types of bikes insurance

First Party Insurance

Here first party means the owner and instrument of the instrument, that is, if there is any damage to the instrument then it comes under first party insurance.

This insurance is completely related to you because it covers your personal loss. If there is an accident with your instrument in which the instrument will also be covered and if you have suffered an injury then you will also be covered under this insurance. In simple language, first party means you yourself.

Second Party Insurance

Here second party means insurance company, whatever is the insurance company, we call second party because after us only the insurance company comes, that is, whatever claim we take, we take it from the second party, the second party is the first party. And gives insurance claim to third party and later gives insurance claim.

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Third Party Insurance

The first party will be yours and the second party will be your company, If a third person comes in between, then we call it a third party, as if it is your instrument and if it meets with a third party, then we will call that party a third party, as if it is your vehicle and it is someone else. If the vehicle hits, then whatever claim you have to pay for that vehicle will be given by your company. You had already taken third party insurance. If you have taken third party insurance, it means that your insurance also covers the third party. This will mean that whenever it is the turn of any third party to pay the claim, you will not pay any claim. Your company will not give the claim to the third party.

What is first party insurance

First party insurance is with zero depth। In which everything is covered। The company will give you all the things in insurance like damage to the car, even injuries.

Bike Insurance Claim Documents

Which documents do you have to provide? If your vehicle has met with an accident, then you will have to carry all your own documents like Aadhar Card, PAN Card and Driving License. Along with this, you will also have to take all the documents of RC and other insurance of the vehicle with you and if you want to take third party insurance column, then you will also have to present whatever third party documents you have with you in the company.

It would be right for you to first reach your company and get information about what you will have to do to get the claim because the policy of each company is different but if you have met with an accident or any kind of If any accident has occurred then first of all reach the company from where you have got the insurance. Only they will be able to give you the best opinion as to what will be right for you and if you want to know what type of insurance you have and what things are included in it, then you can see it in your insurance documents. It is well written there as to what cover you will get and how much cover you will get in Bike Insurance Claim.

Bike Insurance Claim Rules & regulations

Here, whatever money you get as a claim, it is done in different ways according to the policies of different companies, such as in many companies the vehicle is repaired and no money of any kind is received. And there is a rule of many companies that you can get the repairing done by a third party He himself will give the claim after seeing the third party bill।It would be right for you to first reach your company and get information about what you will have to do to get the claim because the policy of each company is different but if you have met with an accident or any kind of If any accident has occurred then first of all reach the company from where you have got the insurance.

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